Gmelius is browser extension that is now available for Google chrome,Firefox and Opera to make Gmail Ad free and Better user interface better. Gmail has switched to new look someone like this new look and some one don't like new Gmail and want switch to old look but Google forcing to users to new look so you can't switch back to old look. Gmelius help you customize Gmail user interface like fast navigation remove scroll bar and hide header and more and also help you to remove Gmail text ads.
Some of Best Features of Gmelius
- Remove All Gmail Text Advertisements.
- It enhances Gmail User Interface by Highlight subtitle row when mouse moved over on mails,disabling color different types of font used in mail.
- Scroll to top feature Function when clicked to Google top header bar.
- Go to Inbox from anywhere in Gmail by just clicking to Google Logo.
- Remove Scroll bar to scroll Gmail by mouse.
See the some of the feature which i like most applied for my Gmail Account
How to Use
2.After installation extension go to option of Gmelius and apply setting you want for your Gmail and save the setting and login in gmail to see the change.
Gmelius is one of the best extension available for Gmail to customize User Interface of Gmail and make Gmail Ad free.