June 7, 2012

Transfer larger files easily and faster with Justbeamit.

If you want to transfer larger files with your friend you can use many services like share on Goolge drive,Skydrive then share with your friend so he can download. But if you don't have more space blank in your Google drive then Justbeamit can make your job easy and faster. justbeamit is web service that allow you to easily share larger files upto 2GB with your friend or in group easily using your Browser.

Justbeamiit make process very just visit to justbeamit.com from your browser or you can download justbeamit chrome browser extension if you are Chrome user. Then Drag you and drop your file in highlighted window on website within second it will generate a private sharing link which you can give your friend or group using chat or mobile. Then your friend need to visit that link and click Download button to start download file. You need not require to create account so this is one of the best feature of it. But downside of service is sender not allowed to close until download  process is not completed by other side.

How to Transfer File using Justbeamit

Visit to Justbeamit website or download Chrome extension from webstore. Drag and drop a file, < 2GB in size, into the drop zone and service will generate a private link and send it to your friend or in group with chat or anyhow.

 Once your friend start downloading file by using link given by you it will show you progress don't close the window till your friend downloading. Once your friend downloaded file it will show you process completed message after that you can close your browser.

See video for more
