June 8, 2012

Recover files from a crashed computer using another computer in LAN.

Look interesting yes this is really interesting Download files from a crashed computer using anther working computer in your Local area network. Everyone experience computer crash  due to windows crash or any other problem at that time one of important thing is recover  important data. This you can do by removing your computer hard disk and then put hard disk in other working computer and copy all data. But if you are new and don't now how to remove hard disk from computer then here is another option is recover your data from another working computer in your Local area connection.

Toolwiz care is lunched Remote file backup feature in Toolwiz care software. using this feature you can recover files from a crashed computer using a working computer in LAN.

Tool Require in this experiment.

1. Toolwiz Care Download it from here you can install this software in working computer in your LAN or you can run this software without installing  this is another good feature of  Toolwiz .


June 7, 2012

Transfer larger files easily and faster with Justbeamit.

If you want to transfer larger files with your friend you can use many services like share on Goolge drive,Skydrive then share with your friend so he can download. But if you don't have more space blank in your Google drive then Justbeamit can make your job easy and faster. justbeamit is web service that allow you to easily share larger files upto 2GB with your friend or in group easily using your Browser.
