February 9, 2012

Google + for Android gets updated.

Google + for android gets updated with two very hot features what's Hot and who +1'd with some of  the performance tweak to run app faster scrolling down and up in the app is now very easy due to shortened post stream. In the older version of app when you refresh feeds the app jumps to top now this problem is removed from updated version of app.

What's Hot

what's hot is similar to Twitter trending topic in what's hot app show you most popular post and the post which is most attracting and more people commented and +1'd the topic.

Who + 1'd

As the name this feature so you who +1'd the post and commented on that post. In the older version of app you can only see the number +1'd but in new version you can see the users who +1'd the post.

Total Updates in new version.

    Massive performance improvements across the app
    What's Hot!
    View who +1'd a post or comment
    Stream posts shortened to fit more per scroll
    Infinite photos feed in 'From your circles'
    Stream no longer jumps to the top for an automatic refresh

Download New Google +
